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Connected II

Writer's picture: thenadiamelithenadiameli

After posting the first part of the Connected series last night I was really overwhelmed at your kind responses on Instagram. Thank you for all your shares, comments, messages of support! That you would not only enjoy the stories but that they would even have an impact on your day - that made me incredibly happy. That's all you can really ask for as a photographer.

I hope you enjoy the second part of these stories (more to come).

Eniafe 35, Los Angeles, USA

I am alone in my space but my one bedroom studio sits at the back of my sister and brother in-laws property, so I am not alone completely. I know that if I weren't here in such close proximity to them, the solitude right now could feel vastly different.

I don't have any fears, per say, and I'm probably a lot calmer about things (ie. not working therefore no money coming in but money going out) than I should be. But also, I have everything I need...and then some.

I find my joy daily in knowing that I am finally stepping into and sitting in my gifts and the fact that I can now see clearly my way through and to these gifts and how they are to be shared. I find joy in light (the sun streaming through my bedroom window) and music (shout out to every friend who has sent me a playlist), scents (candles and incense are burning daily), connection and love. Though it is a vastly different kind of connection void of touch, the energy is still there felt now through voice and screens. And I do not take the privilege of having all of these things and pieces of joy for granted.

Albert 30, Valencia, Spain

I am living with my partner at the moment, she came back home since she is working abroad at the moment.

My biggest fear is about what the aftermath of this pandemic will be. There is a general uncertainty and perhaps the world will not really be how we used to know it anymore.

I am finding joy in the little things actually, having more time to be with my girlfriend and pause a bit. Baking cakes also helps a ton haha!

Athene 28, Salt Lake City, USA

Yá’át’ééh! I’ll introduce myself a little like we do in my culture. Shí éí Athene yinishyé. I am Navajo and Omaha and I currently live in Salt Lake City Utah on Ute land.

Before the pandemic I spent my time working with my Indigenous community to fight against MMIP (Missing and Murdered Indigenous People) and bring awareness to the movement. It is heavy work but because there is so little coverage on this issue I feel like it’s work that needs to be done. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to look into it after reading this. I am so glad we are able to find connections through times like these. Talking to Nadia today helped me feel less alone, and hopeful for things to come. I currently live with my partner in a little apartment with my mom and little brother in the apartment next to us. Normally I love this set up, but with the virus looming over us and my mom just recovering from a stroke I have to keep my distance from her and it breaks my heart. It hurts to be so close but unable to give her a hug. I still go over and help her cook and clean but not when she’s in the room and I have to sanitize everything after. I don’t get to spend any real quality time with her and I worry about her everyday. I am looking forward to the day when I can sit next to my mom again and have her fall asleep on me while we watch garbage tv, without being scared that she’ll catch this and pass away. That is my biggest fear. To keep me from spiralling down the hole of anxiety I try and occupy my time as best as I can and keep myself balanced. I enjoy making native jewelry, fabrics masks for my elders on the reservation, painting and completely wrecking my apartment in an effort to make it feel new and fresh. Haha For now it’s just a big mess but I’ve got nothing but time.

My hope for this worldwide pause is that we can all take this time to heal collectively and make the future better. We will make it through this. Don’t lose hope.

Harriet 29, Littlehampton, UK

I live with my fiancé at our house in England.

My biggest fear right now? Spending too much time on devices! News, IG, Facebook are having such effects on our positivity and mood. Also, the lack of bread. I am also lightly concerned my apocalyptic outfit doesn’t resemble Star Wars and Mad Max more…

I find joy in coffee. Laughing. Memes. Meditation. Also stories from our lives and getting to know each other more which is so fun and uplifting! I guess it’s important to reflect on all things positive right now.

Kayt 37, London, UK

I live with my boyfriend of 4 years, we are very lucky to have moved from a tiny flat to a more reasonably sized two-bed last summer. It’s a first floor flat and so my daily walk in the fresh air is my favourite part of the day right now as I’m very much used to getting out and about all over London. I have Alexandra Palace within walking distance and so feel very grateful for this beautiful view more so than ever.

I fear about my parents falling poorly and not being allowed to go and visit them in hospital, I worry about all of my family and friends but them in particular.

Initially of course I worried more about paying rents and bills.. with my partner being self employed and my work in talks of laying off staff, it’s always in the back of mind but less so as the days go on.

Things that bring me joy...the sunlight coming through the flat with its light, shadows, colours and warmth. Dancing to my favourite music. Yoga practice. My daily walk in the fresh air! Seeing all the creativity enhanced and people coming together not in person but in all sorts of other ways, to keep on being creative. Yesterday brought me so much joy. The rainbows I see in the windows and drawn in chalk on the pavements since the lockdown. That there are already positives coming from this even if it doesn’t seem possible some days, the kindness of people is shining though and that’s just as infectious as the’s growing all the time. I’m reading more goodness that is happening across the world every day. Speaking to friends and loved ones on the phone and video calls.. we are so lucky. And knowing that this will all be over soon.

Ran 51, Tel Aviv, Israel

We are 4 in our house - my wife Eti and two children: our daughter is 13 and our son is 5.

We live in a house with a garden in a place with no other apartments around and it is full of green areas and forests.

My fears and concerns are mostly about when this pandemic will end and what the results will be: for our health, economy, and the political situation in Israel.

I find joy where I usually find joy: being with my family, communicating with friends and doing the daily enjoyable stuff: reading a book, playing bridge and chess, cooking, listening to music and watch movies. I am lucky to still be able to enjoy all of these things.

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